Showing the Last Updated Date in wp Posts or Pages

One of the most important things currently is to be up to date, offering contrasted information and, above all, that has not become obsolete. Most WP themes show the date on which an article was created but … How can a visitor know if that content is up to date?

Computer Tapes

The answer is to show, in addition to the date of creation, the date of the last modification of any wp content. In this post I’m going to show how we can do it in a very simple way. Continue reading…

Showing posts with different templates, the “single_template” filter

Habitualy, the WordPress template hierarchy for posts, uses a simple descendant decision tree for choosing which single_template.php file is going to be used for showing a single post. This decision tree is quite usefull so that, simply creating a .php file called like single, single-posttype, etc., it’s possible to control very accurately which template will be used for showing data.

Normal Decision Tree for Single Elements

However, in contrast of pages that each one can have its own template, ie, they have a very flexible decision rules, choosing the templates for posts is ruled by criterias more restrictive based in sets of elements Continue reading…