
Translations of Spanish Quote of the Day

Nowadays, Spanish Quote of the Day has two translations: English and, of course, the spanish one. But in future we are thinking in more languages.

As it’s usual, the WP interface (settings, help, messages…) is completely translated but, in addition, if you are using Spanish Quote of the Day in a WordPress installation whose local language is different than English, in addition to the default shortcode [spanish_quote] –that is always available–, depending on the local language of your WP installation, you have also got a translated version of the shortcode (See the plugin settings page, Instructions tab, for further information).

For example, in a Spanish WP installation, the additional translated shorcode name is [frase_del_dia].
By the way, if you like this plugin and you are interested in making a translation of this plugin in your language, please, contact with me via Contact page.

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