Gutenberg or how to convert the experience of writing a post in a nightmare. The text processing point of view.

The WordPress lords had a dream they named Gutenberg however, for now, that is just a nightmare… And talking from the point of view of writing, a great and dark nightmare. But, how could something created as a step forward become a nightmare?


The answer is very easy. The idea that lies at the heart of this new invention is just the layout of the text, its visual structure of text thinking in paragraph and block of content but not in the text itself and thus, Gutenberg is a tool that allows you to format a finished text in blocks, but does not allow to treat the text as a word processor in no way, in other words, all features related to text processing have been lost. Continue reading…

Showing the Last Updated Date in wp Posts or Pages

One of the most important things currently is to be up to date, offering contrasted information and, above all, that has not become obsolete. Most WP themes show the date on which an article was created but … How can a visitor know if that content is up to date?

Computer Tapes

The answer is to show, in addition to the date of creation, the date of the last modification of any wp content. In this post I’m going to show how we can do it in a very simple way. Continue reading…

Using the Post Type description in WordPress Themes

Sometimes, especially in the case of an items list, apart from the header/title of the list, we would want to add some text as an introduction for these items: a global suggestion, perhaps a couple of interesting links, a descriptive or in detail approach about the items, a definition, etc. When the items to list are inside a Category or a Tag, to add a header with description is obvious because, simply taking a look to the screen for editing terms, all of us know that they have a description but, do you know that post types have also got a description, and that you can use it in your themes?

An example of using the Post Type description in WordPress Themes

Yes, in the same way that with the terms of a taxonomy, WordPress Post Types have also got a field to add a description thus, you can use this property of the Post Type object to introduce any text that you want and Continue reading…

Social Menus with Genericons

As a tiny module that follows WordPress very closely –it was included in the Twenty Fifteen Theme for example–, but not as a part of the official WP core, Genericons is an icon font very useful if you are thinking in creating a Social Menu. Well, this font includes a lot of good icons for other tasks but a third part of its icons are designed for giving support to social extensions.

Social Menus with Genericons

Using Genericons, to create a social menu for example similar as the installed in this web site, it is so simple as enqueueing the Genericons Font, creating a new WP menu and deciding which social profiles you desire to include. You don’t need to add a special code, or modify substantially your themes Continue reading…

How to suppress the emoji module?

As the WordPress documentation says, Emoji are the ideograms or smileys (for example 🙂 ) used in electronic messages and Web pages. Originating in Japan on mobile devices, they are now commonly available on devices worldwide, ranging from mobile to desktop computers. Emoji are decorative, useful and they can actually make any website more friendly, maybe for this reason, the Emoji module is added as default by WordPress to all Themes but, what can we do if we don’t want to load this module?

Emoji keyboard example for Android by Kraftbj on WordPress

The WordPress Emoji module is independent of any theme, and just depends on two files (a little CSS code and a script) that are tipically added to the HTML <head> element. This addition is made through two functions Continue reading…

Controlling the WordPress version installed inside your Themes

WordPress is a CMS that evolves rapidly. Currently, every four or five months there is a new version and this makes important to introduce in your developments some control to find out what is the installed version, especially if you want to use its latest introduced features and you want that your last development has backward compatible.

Controlling the WordPress version installed inside your Themes

Fortunately, WordPress makes it very easy because for not even you’ll have to use a function but there is a global variable called $wp_version that is always available in any part of your development that contains Continue reading…

Adding a fixed text or element to all posts. The “the_content” filter

We often need to add a fixed text or html element to the text of all posts: a signature, a link, a little logo, even a form. In fact, there are some ways to do this task but perhaps the easiest way is to use the the_content filter.

Basic schema of operations for the_content filter

The the_content filter –in general any WordPress filter– is a kind of funnel through which WordPress passes the post_content before being displayed on screen. Using this funnel (filter), ie, adding operations inside it, we can change de content of the post_content field for all Posts but for doing this we have to do two operations. Continue reading…

How to choose the “perfect” theme for your WordPress site?

Actually, there is not a magical formula for finding out which is the perfect theme for your website. There are a lot of variables to consider however, despite this great variety of factors, among them are some essential elements that you can never overlook. In this article we will look briefly some of these factors; take them into account can easily reduce your search from thousands of themes available to only a few what truly are fit for what you need. Ready?

Finding the perfect theme for your WordPress site

What do you want to publish in your website?

1.- Before beginning to search a theme, think briefly what do you want to do/publish/share in your website. Do you want to write  Continue reading…