Controlling the WordPress version installed inside your Themes

WordPress is a CMS that evolves rapidly. Currently, every four or five months there is a new version and this makes important to introduce in your developments some control to find out what is the installed version, especially if you want to use its latest introduced features and you want that your last development has backward compatible.

Controlling the WordPress version installed inside your Themes

Fortunately, WordPress makes it very easy because for not even you’ll have to use a function but there is a global variable called $wp_version that is always available in any part of your development that contains Continue reading…

Modifying the HTML <title> tag in a WordPress Site

As default, WordPress automaticaly generates quite good HTML <title> tags for the different pages of a website. These HTML <title> tags usually fit well with the content of the page and for us, the human beings, these tags are more than enough for understanding. On the other hand, these HTML <title> tags (hereinafter simply, titles) are also interpreted for the programmes: the browsers just show these titles but web crawlers engines use titles for understanding the global meaning of the content and, depending on them, the pages are classified and included (or not) in the results of a search and this last it’s very important if we are talking about SEO. Good title, good SEO. Poor title… well, you know. So the most probably is that you want to improve a litle bit your HTML <title> Tag. Do you want?

Modifying the html ‘title’ tag

Time ago, for modifying the titles WordPress only offers one posibility, to filter the output of the function wp_title however, since version 4.1, WordPress also offers another possibility, Continue reading…

Adding a fixed text or element to all posts. The “the_content” filter

We often need to add a fixed text or html element to the text of all posts: a signature, a link, a little logo, even a form. In fact, there are some ways to do this task but perhaps the easiest way is to use the the_content filter.

Basic schema of operations for the_content filter

The the_content filter –in general any WordPress filter– is a kind of funnel through which WordPress passes the post_content before being displayed on screen. Using this funnel (filter), ie, adding operations inside it, we can change de content of the post_content field for all Posts but for doing this we have to do two operations. Continue reading…

Using Dashicons in WP Themes

Dashicons Font is a wonderful and useful set of icons included in WordPress since its 3.8 version as part of its new admin environment. WP uses these icons to identify posts, media tools, editor tools, etc. In admin environment you have not to do anything for loading this set –it is loaded by default by WP–, however Dashicons Font is not loaded as part of any theme. So, what do we have to do for using Dashicons inside our themes?

WordPress DashIcons Sample

Nowadays, most of browsers allow us the use of fonts for improving the appearance of our pages and this feature is supported via CSS Continue reading…

A different style for the external links

Sometimes inside a post or a page you have to include a link whose url doesn’t belong to your website; a external link is called. In most cases, this kind of external links are styled in the same way that the rest of internal links (links to your own website) and, in consequence, the readers can’t distinguish between them. Now, a simple method for styling your external links.

Styling external links in a different way. An example.

Our first step is to find out what is the basic difference between these two kinds of links because  Continue reading…