Gutenberg or how to convert the experience of writing a post in a nightmare. The text processing point of view.

The WordPress lords had a dream they named Gutenberg however, for now, that is just a nightmare… And talking from the point of view of writing, a great and dark nightmare. But, how could something created as a step forward become a nightmare?


The answer is very easy. The idea that lies at the heart of this new invention is just the layout of the text, its visual structure of text thinking in paragraph and block of content but not in the text itself and thus, Gutenberg is a tool that allows you to format a finished text in blocks, but does not allow to treat the text as a word processor in no way, in other words, all features related to text processing have been lost. Continue reading…

How to add Categories and Tags to wp Pages

Historically, categories and tags have always been associated only with wp publications; they are one of the pillars of the classification and search of information in wp, and normally this approach is more than enough for most websites. However, when talking about medium and large size websites, the lack of this technique applied to standard wp pages is not a good scenario.

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The pages, habitually static information not subject to a date (unlike posts), hardly ever need to be classified or searched… they have mostly been accessed through menus but what can we do if we need to add Categories, Tags or even custom taxonomies to Pages? Continue reading…

Showing the Last Updated Date in wp Posts or Pages

One of the most important things currently is to be up to date, offering contrasted information and, above all, that has not become obsolete. Most WP themes show the date on which an article was created but … How can a visitor know if that content is up to date?

Computer Tapes

The answer is to show, in addition to the date of creation, the date of the last modification of any wp content. In this post I’m going to show how we can do it in a very simple way. Continue reading…